This is where healing begins.

Meet Katie.

Katie McKenzie is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (#LH61382950) in the state of Washington. She received her training at The Seattle School and holds a MA in Counseling Psychology.

Katie’s work with her clients is informed by relational, trauma-informed, and psychodynamic approaches. The collection of these models shapes the way you will work together to create containment for the present, healing for the past, and hope for the future. 

When out of the office, Katie enjoys the beautiful simplicity of the day to day with her husband and celebrating life with her friends. She thrives in a balance of cozy and familiar rhythms and indulging in the allure of new adventures. Katie loves vegan food, aesthetic experiences, and cuddling up with her two cats and a good book.

The work we will do together resides within current research that indicates that change occurs through a deeper understanding of the behind the scene elements that go on in our own minds; the hidden thoughts, fears, beliefs, and dreams that you’ve gained and developed over the years that may unknowingly play a role in how you interact in your world today. We will work together to uncover these patterns in your life and bring self-awareness, understanding, and compassion to them. 

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.